会议第一阶段,希腊塞萨洛尼基亚里士多德大学法学院主研社会法及欧盟法的Anna-Maria Konsta副教授及对外经贸大学保险法与社会保障法研究中心的娄宇老师,分别就“欧盟成员国之间社会保险转移接续问题”及“中国跨统筹地区就业社会保险关系转移”做主题发言,中国政法大学网上投注app
在自由讨论阶段,Anna-Maria Konsta副教授与国内学者,就欧盟与中国社会保险转移接续问题的制度差异及其社会、历史和文化成因,展开热烈讨论。
最后,赵红梅所长总结陈词,并对Anna-Maria Konsta副教授接受邀请在本次研讨会中做主旨发言表示感谢。
The Labor and Social Securities Law Institute of Civil and Economic Law School, CUPL, held the Seminar on the Transferring and Continuation of Social Insurance Institution
The Labor and Social Securities Law Institute of Civil and Economic Law School, CUPL, held the Seminar on the Transferring and Continuation of Social Insurance Institution on 26th Oct, 2014, at A1013, Keyan Building, Xueyuan Road. President and associate professor Zhao Hongmei presides the salon.
In the first section of the seminar, Anna-Maria Konsta who is an associate professor of the School of Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and mainly majors on Social Law and EU law, speaks firstly on the topic of The Transferring and Continuation of Social Insurance in EU. Lou Yu (Dr. Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University) who is the lecturer of the Insurance and Social Security Law Research Center of Foreign Economic and Trade University, speaks on the subject of The Transferring and Continuation of Social Insurance Relationships between Pooling Areas in China. Associate professor Yang Fei and associate professor Li Juan review the speaking of Konsta and Lou.
In the second section of the seminar, Associate professor Lu Weifeng preside the seminar. Fan Wei (visiting scholar of University of Michigan, U.S.), who is the associate Professor, of the Labor Economics College of Capital University of Economics and Business, speaks on the subject of Study on the Portability Competence/ Guaranteeing of Rights and Interest of China’s Social Pension Insurance: Present System, Issues and Development. Liu Dongmei (Dr. University of Munich law of Germany, Max Planck Foreign and International Social Law Research, German), who is the associate professor of the Central South University, speaks on the subject of Study on the Employees’ Retirement System of Public Institutions and the Transferring and Continuation of Social Pension Insurance. Jin Yingjie, who is the vice president and associate professor of the Labor and Social Securities Law Institution of School of Civil and Economic Law, CUPL, speaks on the subject of Study on the Protection of Rights and Interests of Foreigner Employed in China. Also, Yan Dong (Dr. University of Warwick, UK), who is the lecturer of the Law School of Beijing Foreign Studies University, speaks on the subject of Issues on the Deduction and Remission of Social Insurance Premium of Foreigners Employed in China. Associate professor Hu Caixiao, Guo Zhongcheng and Li Xixia review the speaking of each speaker.
In the free discussion, associate professor Zhao Hongmei, associate professor Anna-Maria Konsta and other scholars discuss the difference of the transferring and continuation of social insurance institution of China and EU as well as the social, history and cultural origin of these differences.
At last, associate professor Zhao Hongmei concludes and thanks all of the participants of the salon.