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网上投注app 2024年秋季学期国际教师国际课程简介

作者: 发布时间:2024年05月16日 11:24 阅读数:


2024年秋季学期选课正在进行中。网上投注app 该学期拟开设国际教师国际课程9门,课程简介和授课教师简历如下。



1. 课程名:合同起草实务指南




Introduction: The Course “Contract Drafting Practice Guide” focuses on how to draft the beginning, middle and end of a contract. Specific topics covered include the role of lawyers in contract drafting, the impact of applicable law on contracts, the components and forms of contracts, the use of defined terms and the drafting of defined provisions, contract headings, word choice, the structure of contract statements, the basic types of contract provisions, drafting core provisions of contracts, and drafting other provisions. For each section, Professor Cramer will not only give detailed drafting guidelines, but will also point out common mistakes in the choice of vocabulary, the construction of statements, and the clarity, accuracy, and conciseness of expressions, and will guide students in using their knowledge to revise them.


国际教师姓名Peter Klaus Cramer



个人简介:Peter Klaus Cramer教授是美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学法学院前副院长,同时是欧洲法律英语教师协会、法律写作研究所、全国外国学生顾问协会等机构的专业会员。其曾在美国韦伯斯特大学、日本青山学院法律学院、美国印第安纳波利斯国际大学法学院、埃及开罗大学等高等院校授课,并在全球多个国家和地区应邀开设过法律或语言课程及参与国际学术研讨会。他理论基础扎实,同时拥有丰富的实践经验。

2. 课程名:国际商事合同法




Introduction: International trade contracts law is concerned with the law of sale of goods of a cross-border kind. The main focus of the course is to examine the legal relationship between parties who sell and buy goods to and from each other. The course will commence with a brief introduction to the international sales law. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 (UK) and case law relating to international sale contracts and UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) will be examined. The various sales contracts under INCOTERS and common law, i.e. CIF and FOB are to be examined, with particular focuses on flexibility of FOB contracts and the importance of documents in CIF contracts under common law. Agents play an important role in international sale of goods, the roles of agents in international sale are also considered. Carriage of goods by sea is a very important part in international sale transaction, so the course covers several sessions of carriage of goods by sea. The sessions examine the rules concerned with the carriage of goods from the port of shipment to the port of destination. We will look at English statutory law, international conventions and case law governing the parties’ liabilities in a carriage of goods by sea contract. Bill of lading (one of the most important shipping documents) and its functions will be examined and the Hague Visby Rules (International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading) will also be discussed in this course. Marine insurance plays a very important role in international sale transaction. An introduction to marine insurance will be made and the fundamental principles of insurance contract law will be examined.


国际教师姓名:Zhen JING(荆真)



个人简介:Zhen JING(荆真),英国班戈大学法学院教授、博导、研究生主任,主要讲授国际贸易法、国际保险法、海商法、合同法、侵权法、商法等课程。Zhen JING教授是国际保险法和国际贸易法领域的国际领先学者。多年来,她曾在班戈大学法学院担任多个行政职务,例如授课型研究生课程主任、研究生考试官、研究生招生官和不公平实践委员会主席等。她目前担任班戈大学法学院研究生教学主任、研究生高级导师、国际商法法学硕士项目主任等职,具有丰富的教学和实务经验。

3. 课程名:公司法



课程简介:本课程将介绍日本公司法的新研究情况、新问题与新做法,对于公司设立、运行、发展、公司治理结构、内部监督、合并分立、破产清算等公司法主要内容进行讲解和比较法上的分析。开设本课程的国际教师是日本早稻田大学Otsuka Hideaki(大塚英明)教授,代表了其所在国商法领域的先端学术水平,对提高我校师生的学习、科研积极性,加强国际法学交流与合作,提高学校的法学教育水平,探索更具有科学性、时代性的法律学习模式具有极其重要的意义。

Introduction: This course intends to introduce the new research situation, new problems and new practices of Japanese company law, and explain and compare the main contents of company law such as company establishment, operation, development, corporate governance structure, internal supervision, merger and division, bankruptcy liquidation and so on.


国际教师姓名:Otsuka Hideaki(大塚英明)



个人简介:Otsuka Hideaki(大塚英明)教授是日本公司法、民商法领域的知名教授,具有很高的学术知名度和丰富的教学实践经验。其本科毕业于日本早稻田大学,1987年在早稻田大学取得博士学位,同年担任早稻田大学讲师,1990年担任早稻田大学副教授,1995年担任早稻田大学教授。Otsuka Hideaki(大塚英明)教授的主要研究领域围绕商法和公司法展开,并且已发表了诸多商法和公司法方面的著作和学术论文,其采取比较研究的方法开展学术钻研,对于民商法方面的专题性问题有着许多独到的见解。

4. 课程名:破产法概论




Introduction: This course mainly introduces the basic principles of bankruptcy law, and explains the concept of bankruptcy, the bankruptcy systems of Britain and the United States, the comparison of bankruptcy laws in East Asian countries, cross-border bankruptcy cases, bankruptcy practice cases, etc. Class discussion is encouraged in this course. The course extends from the concept of bankruptcy law to national law and global law, takes students to think about how to solve legal conflicts, and widens students' horizons through the discussion of inter court cooperation agreement and UNCITRAL Model Law on cross-border insolvency. It will also let students learn relevant practical knowledge of bankruptcy law through practical cases, so as to deepen students' understanding of the essence of bankruptcy law.


国际教师姓名:OH Soo Geun(吴守根)



个人简介:OH Soo Geun(吴守根)教授,本科毕业于韩国首尔大学,1994年在崇实大学取得博士学位,自2000年起担任梨花女子大学法学教授,曾任梨花女子大学法学院院长。著有《债务人破产重整法》、《商业票据的实质》,《高校商业法》,《债务人破产重整法》,《外部审计》等书;发表了许多破产法和票据法方面的著作和学术论文,对于英国与美国破产制度、东亚国家破产法的比较、跨境破产案件、破产实务案件,研究颇有一番建树,是韩国著名的商法学者、专家。

5. 课程名:英国民事诉讼法




Introduction: This course will aim to provide a systematic and comprehensive introduction to the key principles of English civil procedure and judicial reform. We will invite scholars who have received long-term legal education and training in England and are currently engaged in legal work in the practical sector to teach in China. It is of great help to improve students' international academic communication ability and research ability.


国际教师姓名:Wing W. So(苏颍)



个人简介:Wing Winky So(苏颍)博士毕业于英国牛津大学,具有较长时间的英国留学经历和突出的英国法研究背景。其本科就读于香港大学,学习成绩优异;硕士于牛津大学以民诉专业第一名毕业;博士师承英国民诉讼法权威 Zuckerman教授。他是英国讼费研究领域权威教科书《Friston on Costs》(牛津大学出版社2019年第3版)的合著者之一。其著述曾被英国法院援引,在司法实践中具有一定影响。曾任香港终审法院法官助理,亦曾为香港高等法院建筑与仲裁庭主任法官助理。现于香港履德大律师事务所(Rede Chambers)以大律师身份执业,主要处理跨国诉讼和仲裁案件,并兼任莫斯科国立大学法学院等高校客座教授。

6. 课程名:国际环境法




Introduction: The course will focus on recent development of international law governing climate change and biodiversity. Both the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are framework conventions that establish general principles, basic obligations and institutional arrangements and provide the basis for further development. Recent years have seen new development of UNFCCC, in particular the Paris Agreement adopted and current work in the post Paris Agreement era. Under CBD, there has also been some development in the biosafety protocols, and the development and the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and Aichi Targets. Currently, negotiations are being carried out for the Global Biodiversity Framework. The course will discuss the Paris Agreement, the post-Paris Agreement era and national implementation of the Paris Agreement, as well as the Aichi Target and its implementation and current negotiations of the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. By the end of the course, the students are expected to: refresh their knowledge of the contents of international law; grasp most recent developments of international legal regimes for climate change and biodiversity, and to analyze and interpret them to address different aspects climate change and biodiversity problems. They should also have the ability to locate, analyze, evaluate and synthase information on international law for climate change and biodiversity from a wide variety of sources, as well as to think and/or apply effective, creative and innovative solutions to current and future problems related to climate change and biodiversity.


国际教师姓名:Wanhua Yang(杨婉华)



个人简介:杨婉华博士曾任联合国环境规划署United Nations Environment ProgrammeUNEP高级法律专家,高级环境法律官员,环境治理和环境法主管官员,在联合国总部和亚太办公室从事环境法律实务,具有丰富的实务经验。联合国环境署是联合国系统内负责全球环境事务的牵头部门和权威机构,环境署激发、提倡、教育和促进全球资源的合理利用并推动全球环境的可持续发展。在全球环境治理的过程中,联合国环境署发挥着举足轻重的作用。本项目拟通过引进联合国环境署高级法律专家,介绍在联合国环境署在推动全球环境治理的经验,拓展国际视野。

7. 国际气候变化法与谈判




Introduction: The course "International Climate Change Law and Negotiation" mainly introduces the basic principles of public international law, and enables students to understand the research status in the field of public international law and the role of climate change in promoting the evolution of public international law based on the latest theoretical trends. Climate change is one of the fundamental challenges facing the world today, and is the cause of significant international concern. In response, states have created a legal regime, albeit a contested one, to address climate change and its impacts. The legal texts that comprise the climate regime the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 1992, and its Kyoto Protocol, 1997 are in force, have concrete content, and are binding. Resources are in place to facilitate the negotiation process, incentivise emissions reductions, and supervise and enforce compliance with the obligations imposed by these treaties. However, the language used in these international instruments is frequently intentionally vague. Under the perspective of public international law, the course focuses on the legal framework of international environmental affairs regulation, introduces the advisory opinions and decisions of the International Court of Justice on climate change, and explores the application of international environmental law in international courts and tribunals. The course focuses specifically on the interpretation of principles of international environmental law in developing countries such as China and Brazil, and how these legal concepts affect a country's environmental policy and climate negotiation strategy.


国际教师姓名:Lucas Carlos Lima



个人简介:Lucas Carlos Lima教授是巴西米纳斯吉拉斯联邦大学(Federal University of Minas Gerais)的终身教授,同时担任国际法协会巴西分会主任、UFMG国际法院和法庭研究小组成员和UFMG东亚研究中心协调员,在国际公法领域著作颇丰。他在米纳斯吉拉斯联邦大学法学院教授国际公法、国际法院和法庭、国际法和政治、国内法院的国际法、国际法院和法庭的法律和实践、国际环境法、巴西法律和巴西外交政策等课程。自2021年起,在联合国毒品和犯罪办公室担任《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和国际人权法方向的特聘专家;自2016年起任马绍尔群岛共和国助理律师,负责与停止核军备竞赛和核裁军有关的谈判义务一案(正在国际法院审理);自2015年起任意大利卡梅里诺大学国际法讲师。同时,他在丹麦国家研究基金会、哥本哈根大学国际法院卓越中心、卢森堡马克斯·普朗克程序法研究所担任客座研究员。他曾获巴西教育部的CAPES奖学金、哥本哈根大学法庭奖学金、卢森堡马克斯·普朗克程序法研究所访问学者奖学金、巴西科技部青年科研人员奖学金等荣誉。

8. 课程名:美国反就业歧视法




Introduction: American Employment Discrimination Law mainly discusses the relative laws, theoretical foundation, the current challenges and future development of the employment anti-discrimination field in the United States. This course examines the major federal statutes that prohibit employment discrimination — Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, the Equal Pay Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act — and the various entities (including the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) and mechanisms involved in their enforcement. We will cover the legal theories available for litigating federal employment discrimination claims and consider judicial, administrative, and legislative interpretations of the law.  We will also examine the meanings of “discrimination” and “equality” and the policy considerations behind antidiscrimination protections.


国际教师姓名:Steven Willborn



个人简介:Steven Willborn,美国内布拉斯加大学法学院Judge Harry A. Spencer讲席教授、法学院前院长。Willborn教授担任国际劳动法杂志协会(International Association of Labour Law Journals)主席、国际劳动与社会保障法协会美国分会(International Society for Labour and Social Security Law United States Branch)主席,是《比较劳动法与政策杂志》(Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal)编委会成员。

9. 课程名:法律与跨文化交流




Introduction: This course is a cross-cultural communication and law course, which aims to cultivate the knowledge, skills and cultural awareness of law students in communicating and interacting effectively with individuals and groups from different cultural backgrounds in the fields of law, diplomacy and international relations. This course will teach students the basic knowledge of cross-cultural communication, and lay the foundation for subsequent courses such as international business and negotiation, public relations and public diplomacy, etc. This course explores the dynamics of cross-cultural communication and its relevance in the legal context from the perspectives of cultural awareness, communication competence, critical thinking, cultural intelligence (CQ), ethical considerations, application in the legal contexts, practical skills, and global competencies. The course content is divided into eight units, covering Introduction to Cross-Cultural Communication, Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication, Barriers to Cross-Cultural Communication, Cultural Intelligence, Legal and Cross-Cultural Communication, Cross-Cultural Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Cultural Sensitivity and Ethics, Practical Application and Final Projects. This course integrates the above aspects, aiming to prepare students to become people with cultural awareness, effective communication and ethical global citizenship, who can achieve excellent results in their academic, professional and legal pursuits, and make positive contributions to our interconnected world.


国际教师姓名:Rami Khalil



个人简介:Rami Khalil教授是一位有着25年以上经验的大学教授、研究员、发明家和管理专家。他曾在国际植物遗传资源研究所担任区域媒体和公众意识经理,参与了联合国开发计划署、联合国环境署/全球环境基金在西亚和北非地区的多个发展项目。目前,他是四川外国语大学的教授,同时也是生物多样性国际组织的荣誉研究员。Rami Khalil教授的专业领域包括环境法、市场营销和管理、跨文化交流、经济学、反恐研究等。他拥有三项国际专利,曾担任叙利亚残疾人组织首席执行官,亦是中国科技部国际人才交流杂志的编委会成员。其课程被重庆市教育委员会评为一流的线下和线上混合教学课程。Rami Khalil教授在环境法方面有着深厚的造诣和丰富的实践。他参与了多个关于植物遗传资源保护和利用的国际项目,参与过阿曼苏丹国植物社会经济保护战略制定、联合国粮食及农业组织植物条约多边获取和惠益分享制度国家实施决策工具开发等。他还是耶鲁大学出版社耶鲁农业研究系列的阿拉伯文版编辑和翻译,在推广农业生物多样性管理方面做出了贡献。Rami Khalil教授还是多个专业协会的会员,如中国科协开放创新沙龙、美国大学理事会等。他还获得了多项国内外奖项,包括匈牙利发明家协会颁发的“世界最佳发明家”等。Rami Khalil教授一直致力于传播和推广中国文化。
